Friday, February 22, 2008

Alright. Up to this point...

...I have not been one to proselytize. I've had Hillary Clinton in my top friends on MySpace for some time, so those that are linked up with me there know my position. And, understand--I do like Obama. I will say, either way the campaign goes, it's not so bad; Barack's a great orator, has many excellent positions and that charming star appeal--BUT, it's just not enough for me.

(By the way, if you're voting for McCain, you're dead to me. Sorry; I'm sure there are good things about him personally, but I do NOT want him leading our nation. His anti-female stance on nearly everything combined with his shitty environmental record--he's skipped out on every environmental vote this session--makes him the Devil Incarnate in my book. I probably wouldn't vote Republican anyway, after all--I'm a Green.)

Anyway, back to the topic at hand--despite how much I want "change" too, I don't want to join this pie-in-the-sky frenzy I see overtaking many in Obama's camp. They've worked themselves into a "Yes We Can!" furor, bordering on fanatical. Those who know me know I'm VERY liberal; bordering on radical, sometimes--but I also know that things cannot shift on a dime in Washington, as much as we might like them to. And I am not suggesting by that statement that Hillary will participate in "back-room deals" or any of that crap. But Clinton has plenty of experience with how Washington works (much longer than Obama), and her radical changes (because there are some, believe it or not) are much more likely to be considered and enforced than in an Obama administration (anyone remember how Jimmy Carter was railroaded? I fear this for Obama--in a big way). Clinton has bigger cojones than nearly any cluck in Washington and is a force to be reckoned with--which is why the early consensus was that she would be the Democratic nominee before primaries even began.

I want change to be initiated from someone who has a proven track record of experience; strength, intelligence, resolve, a reasonable, critical mind, an ability to learn from her husband's mistakes and not make them herself--and don't forget those Texas-sized cojones. The lady's got all of the above. In spades. Get over the fact that she's not as warm as Obama. Get over the orange shirts and the fact that she has a cackly laugh. I like orange and have a cackly laugh and all of you choose to still read my blogs. Do you want a fucking celebrity for President or someone who can lead us into being the United States we were once proud of? Listen to what she's saying.

Now that the Democratic race has gotten tight, I just want to share with you one of the many reasons why I think Hillary Rodham Clinton should be the next President of the United States of America:

February 21 Debate Clip

Thanks for listening. There may be more. :)


Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Because I've accepted that Obama is taking the nomination, I've tried to make myself believe in his optimism. But I can't. He has a lovely way of speaking, with a fresh optimism that I want to swallow whole. I truly want to believe he can effect the changes he's selling us.

I just don't think it's going to happen. And then the Republicans will all be laughing at us.


Alexandra Scarborough (Sasha) said...

Well, I still think it's too early to call the nomination...

I also think Clinton's been sharing a lot of optimism--and I believe she'll have a better chance of effecting it...'cause the Repubs are scared to death of her. :)