Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Coming soon to a blog near you!!!

This thing's gettin' an overhaul.

First, I must say (as I've said recently), I've gotten profoundly lazy with updates. The slide in number of posts from 2007 to now is significant. Hell, before I hopped over to Blogger and was simply posting to my Topcities page, I kept up better than this! Yes, I've been in school and have been incredibly busy these last couple of years, but I find time to post all sorts of silliness to Facebook--so why not parse out a little of that goof-off activity to share my musings on my old (10+ years) friend "Commentary"?

Mostly because the presentation, the angle, the purpose...was starting to feel stale.

So, I'm going to reframe it. Soon. With a new layout. Content. Title!

Just you wait. School's out in a few weeks, and then you'll see...

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