Thursday, April 30, 2009

Grad school breakdown!

This is way overdue--I'm finally posting the results:

I applied to 9 programs, all terminal Master's (I want a transition before moving to doctoral studies, rather than going through a straight-to-PhD program, for various reasons I won't bore you with here). All had strong programs overall, seemed to be more Continental in their bent (or at least Continental friendly--I enjoy Analytical stuff, but given my background, I lean less "Phi of Mind" and more "Phi of Art") and each had strengths or potential for expansion in my area(s) of philosophical interest, Aesthetics and Ethics.

The schools were:

Miami University (in Ohio)
University of Toledo
Kent State
Ohio University
West Chester University (near Philly)
Oklahoma State
Colorado State
Washington State
California State-L.A.

Most of you guys already know this, but for the uninitiated: don't pay for grad school. Typically, one receives a tuition waver, plus a teaching assistantship to cover living expenses (well, at least ostensibly--it's not like you've won the lotto, or anything). I was hoping for decent financial offers from both Washington & Cal State, because I miss living in both places (in Cal State's case, I'm right back in L.A.; in Pullman, at least I'm a few hours' drive from Seattle).

Anyhoo, I was accepted at all 9 schools, which is awesome. However, not everyone ponied up the $$$. As we all know, times are tough, and budget cuts affected nearly everyone. I did receive a couple of measly offers--one from Ohio U., and the suggestion I "might" be eligible for money in the spring at West Chester, but a substantive one came in from Oklahoma, so they took over as my front runner. Then, I received a personal phone call from the head of the department at Toledo, and everything changed. First off, he told me I was their top candidate (which is an ego stroke I haven't gotten in some time, so I had to revel a little). Also, he was so enthusiastic, collegial (philosophy types aren't always the most accessible folks) and sold the strengths of the program so hard to me, I had to sit up and take notice. A decent financial offer was extended, _and_ to put icing on the cake, the guy who will be my graduate advisor emailed to let me know that he was co-founder of a theatre company in Toledo, and that if I "wanted to do any more acting, we could make sure it fits around your seminars."

Once an actor, always an actor...let's just say that helped tip the balance, even though I was already sold. Sure, it's not L.A., but performing is performing, and keeping my artistic side exercised is always something I want to do, despite the career goals that have replaced professional acting.

So, after my study abroad in Scotland this summer, I'm Ohio bound. I never pictured myself living in Toledo for two years, but the strange and sometimes wonderful twists and turns my life has taken tell me to never dismiss anything out of hand, and to remember "beauty's where you find it."

I knew I'd find a way to work in Madonna. Viva Toledo!


Steven said...

Congrats on finding a Grad school with cash and an offer to let you do some acting on the side!
Have a good time in Scotland and take lots of pictures and try to make it to the Hebrides.

Alexandra Scarborough (Sasha) said...

Thank you, Steven! I'm gonna go crazy with the pix. And I will cover as much of the Hebrides as I can.