Friday, December 19, 2008


L.A. is indeed a harsh, but beautiful mistress. I can never let her go.

The older you get, the more difficult and bizarre relationships (or attempts at them) become. Do not doubt me on this one. People get more complicated and idiosyncratic the older they get.

Fatty's in Pasadena is probably one of the best restaurants at which I have ever eaten. It is exquisite.

Never underestimate the power of revealing conversation. Also, never underestimate that it could be simply that, and nothing more. And try not to be disappointed.

Beer tastes even better after the end of a long, hard semester. Actually, beer tastes good after a lot of long, hard things.

And finally, never underestimate the simple pleasures of accomplishment, whatever form that takes for you.


Steven said...

I have to say that while I don't drink beer often (once every 6 months or more) I am getting to be very partial to Sam Adams' seasonal beers. I want to try their Fezziwig's Ale, which sounds really good. I had their Summer Ale in June and that was amazing in its taste.

Alexandra Scarborough (Sasha) said...

I like Sam Adams a lot, although the guy on the label looks a lot like an ex-boyfriend of mine (minus the hairstyle) and it's a bit disconcerting. :)

Steven said...

Maybe the Ex was the model. Rip off the label and enjoy the beer!

Alexandra Scarborough (Sasha) said...

I have done that, a number of times. :)